How to create Doctor's profile?

This article will guide you on creating your doctor's profile seamlessly.


1. Click Doctors > Dashboard 


2. Click [+ADD NEW]


3. Enter doctor's details in the highlighted red field :

  • Name
  • Degree
  • Tel No
  • Email
  • Location/Room
  • Specialist
  • Operating hours > Save


4. After setting up the Doctor profile, the next step is to create doctor's weekly roster.

Click Services > Weekly Roster

5. Under Services > Configs, you will need to set doctor's request to visit patient,  for example how many patients can book an appointment within 1 hour. 

Please refer to highlighted red field below :

Note : Please ensure to click Save for each settings or amendment done to ensure changes is reflected accordingly.


6. Under Services > Note > Noticed (POP UP):

The Doctor can customized the message for patient. 

Example: Patient will need to bring a past medication when visiting the Dr for the first time. 


7. After creating an account, doctors are required to assign themselves to their respective account.

Click More > Accounts 


8. Search doctor's name under :

Employee Name > Once the name pop out as screenshot below > click Actions 


9.Under Action > search the doctor's name and assign the doctor to his own account